Come and join in and help us raise money to support our valuable work teaching performance arts and circus skills to disadvantaged young people. We work in the UK and internationally in the interests of social welfare and in order to improve quality of life. PWB is a UK registered charity with over 10 years’ experience.


We can help you buy and sell any 2nd hand juggling equipment. Just bring it along, set your price and we’ll do the rest for a 10% mark-up that helps fund our vital work. We also have our information stall here and you can talk to PWB volunteers about how you can get involved on a PWB Tour to India, Kenya or Nicaragua or work with us in the UK.



We are also doing this at the EJC:


Are you a Very Interesting Person (VIP)? Then come along to our party night in the main bar and dance to some funky tunes and enjoy some great lights and visuals. If you want to make a donation to the party then that’s great, but it’s not compulsory, and it will all go to fund our circus outreach work.



With lots of great prizes donated by the amazing and generous traders at the EJC, convention organisers and other lovely people, you would be a fool not to buy a few raffle tickets and join in the excitement of the big raffle draw towards the end of the convention. Stay tuned for more details.



We will also be holding a few workshops where you can come and meet the PWB team and discuss social circus in the UK and Europe. Meet past volunteers and ask them what it’s like to go on a PWB Tour to India, Nicaragua or Kenya for 2-3 months. Come and talk about how to do research on the benefits of circus skills on quality of life.

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