PWB International has run 3 long tours each year between January and April to India, Kenya and Nicaragua for 16 years. As well as  shorter tours in Greece, France, Sierra Leone and the Philippines. We send 5 to 8 volunteers to work with our partner organisations to deliver 2-4 week structured courses interspersed with various other shorter outreach programmes in the local area. On some tours the visit culminates with a show put on by the children to the local community which has, from some of our long standing interventions, culminated in the children have formed their own troupe of circus performers and have regular weekly skill shares and perform at local events.

The tours take the form of brining lots of equipment, teaching circus skills, performing, theatre and teacher training, in order to build a lasting and permanent legacy.  Please see below for details of how to apply to go on tour with us and details of previous tours. Please get in touch with any other inquiries.

Please go to the How to Apply page if interested for 2024+ Tours.

Applications generally open June to August for Tours starting the following January.



We are always looking for new volunteers for our tours. If you think that you have what it takes, and want to find out more please have a look at our Volunteering page for more information.

Our volunteers raise their own funds to pay for in country travel, basic food and accommodation which ranges from £100 to £1200 depending on the length of the tour and the cost of living in the country. In addition to that volunteers are expected to pay their own international travel and pay for their own insurance, visas and vaccines as necessary. This can all be achieved via fundraising, with which our team will support.

PWB does however pay for our Tour Coordinators logistics expenses centrally and this is the main outgoing for this part of our operations. Tour Coordinators are experienced volunteers who have heroically taken on the challenge of guiding a new set of volunteers through a long and tiring, but immensely satisfying, tour. They are expected to do pre-tour administration tasks and we try and make their decision to go back for more a bit easier, by at least making sure the tour doesn’t cost them too much.

Please see our YouTube Channel of all the previous years tour videos for more insights!


We also need to send our volunteers out with the right equipment for the job and some of our donations goes towards supplementing or fixing the generous amounts of donated circus equipment we are given.

So even if you can’t commit to going on tour you can instead support by fundraising or helping to get us the right equipment for the tour, by giving us a one off donation, sending us some of your circus equipment, or by joining the FAB500.

If you can’t commit to the time or fundraising effort required for an international tour then maybe you can do something locally instead, like a fundraiser or volunteer for one of our UK projects.

Donate to PWB

Please see our Blackburn Project Report page for an example of our research and evaluation projects.

We rely on donations from people like you.

Please consider giving us a one off donation today.