M.E.A.R.L stands for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Research and Learning and PWB is always doing this to improve the quality of the outreach work we do. This means that we are constantly monitoring and evaluating what we do so that we can learn from our experiences and measure the impact of our work. We also collect research on the impact of social circus and also do research on our own projects so that we can better focus our outreach programmes. And we know who is responsible and accountable for each area of our work and we make sure our sponsors know who this is and who they can report to with minor concerns or higher up with serious issues.

All our teams collect data whilst they are with our partner organisations and ask the children and our partners to feedback on our work. PWB has conducted several evaluations of our work including India 2010 and Nicaragua 2013 and we have also conducted an alumni survey in 2018 – which can all be accessed on our Evaluation page. In general our work is received very well and make a good and lasting impact on the young people we work with via our partners. Our volunteers unanimously report that going on tour with PWB is a positive and life changing experience. We have long standing relationships with most of our partners who we return to work with year after year- so we must be doing something right!

We are lucky enough to have two very experienced Trustees who have worked extensively in the charity sector. Claire Bader has been the Head of MERL for GOAL, as well as working as DP for Save the Children. And Liz Stones is a consultant and lectures in MERL. Please see the Trustees page for their more detailed bios.


We collect data in the field to do with the physical and emotional impact of our work.

We keep records of the number of classes we teach and the number of children in each class.

We also ask the children to indicate to us how they feel before and after our projects.

By doing this we can get a tangible measure of how well our outreach programmes are achieving our stated aims and vision.

We rely on donations from people like you.

Please consider giving us a one off donation today.