Annual Report

You can download our annual reports from the buttons below.

Please note that in July 2018-19, because our turnover went over the £25,000 threshold for the first time, we had our accounts Independently Examined and produced our first external annual report. We also converted to CIO status in July 2019 (#1182403) so it was our last year as a non-CIO charity (#1121236) that we produced our first annual report after 12 years. Which we think is a good way to end the old charity and start with new energy as a steadily growing CIO (still with the same name).

PWB Annual Report July 2018-2019 PWB Annual Report July 2019-2020 PWB Annual Report July 2020-2021 PWB Annual Report July 2021-2022 PWB Annual Report July 2022-2023

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